We can go to the United States and Europe electric forklift sales products through the CE certification, the core components conform to standards of Europe and the United States, you can use in your country, we can meet your any demand model and the tonnage, you can better meet the demand of your work, at the same time, we assure you that our products are selling 3500 hours a year. If the parts are damaged we will supply you with new parts free of charge
What benefits can our Forklift give you?We can go to the United States and Europe electric forklift sales products through the CE certification, the core components conform to standards of Europe and the United States, you can use in your country, we can meet your any demand model and the tonnage, you can better meet the demand of your work, at the same time, we assure you that our products are selling 3500 hours a year. If the parts are damaged we will supply you with new parts free of charge